Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
2015 - 2018
Algorithms and Data Structures: Design and analysis of algorithms with an emphasis on data structures.
Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Study of an agile unified methodology and its application to object-oriented software development.
Database Systems and File Structures: Database system architecture. File structures for databases, including indexing hashing and B+-trees.
Social media platform for cooks that allows amateur chefs to sell food within a 10 mile radius. This app requires a login to be used. You can register as a cook or a customer.
Note: If you register as a cook, use the following info for credit card information: Account Number: 000123456789, Routing Number: 110000000.
React Js, Node Js, Express, MongoDB, AWS (EC2, Route 53, Ubuntu) and Stripe
Redesign For Me is my Web Development Company that focuses on designing and hosting websites and web applications. RFM would like to help businesses get the recognition they deserve by modern website development.
React Js, Netlify
Grocery list application that adds grocery items to the queue. Ability to share list with friends. To share, copy the URL and send it to whoever you like. A listkey is generated when a new list is created.
React Js, Node Js, Express, MongoDB and Heroku
This app demonstrates the use of external RESTful api calls. We are pulling data from the "Nasa Image and Video Library" and display the data to the screen.
React Js, Material UI
Replicated the classic 1976 snake game from the arcade game "Blockade". Objective is to eat as many apples as possible without colliding into any border or touching the snakes tail. Each apple eatin increases the score by 1. Use the arrow keys to change directions. This game is currently desktop only.
React Js, useInterval
System Engineer
2016 - 2020
Html, CSS, JavaScript, Java, MQL, TCL
Triumph Aerospace Structures integrates a rich legacy with innovative technology, manufacturing and tooling to create state of the art metallic and composite aircraft structures.
At Triumph, I supported the integration of Dassault Systemes software suite 3DExperience. This was an all in one PLM system.